

The Holly Tree coffee rooms are well patronized by students in the morning, now.

On account of Keith's illness, Codman will play his position on the eleven today.

President Eliot was among the spectators on the foot-ball grounds yesterday afternoon.

Howell, formerly of '81, who left college during his senior year, has entered '83.

The memorial window of the class of '58 is now being put in position at Memorial.


A school has been opened in New York for the preparation of women for the Harvard annex.

There will be a joint meeting of the Pierian and Glee Club at 7.30 this even in Roberts Hall.

The first lecture in the course on Economic Geology will not be given until Monday next.

It is probable that a match will be arranged between the H. U. Cricket Team and the Longwoods.

The first year class in the Law School numbers about fifty-five, and includes about fifteen men of '82.

Mr. Robinson, the ex-trainer, says that he knows nothing of any engagement with the Princeton eleven.

William A. Blodgett, of '82, was married last Monday afternoon at Fitchburg to Miss Garfield of that city.

Eaton, '82, captain of the Yale University foot-ball eleven of last year, has entered the Harvard Medical School.

Lawn tennis players are improving the pleasant weather. Holmes and Jarvis fields present a lively appearance.

Paul Shorey, '78, holder of Kirkland fellowship, has entered the American school at Athens of which Prof. Goodwin is director.
