

Mr. Mellen is now giving about eighty lessons a week in sparring at the gymnasium, while the instructor in fencing has half a dozen pupils.

The Union Railway have lately added some new cars of improved pattern and appearance. They run between Bowdoin and Harvard squares.

Several of the students who signed off at Memorial before the Christmas holidays, have made arrangements to board at Allnut's, on Brattle street.

The schoolmaster has not returned from the vacation; a slate on the door of a janitor's office in a dormitory in the yard reads as follows: janator of - building.

Dr. Sargent is now ready to furnish the measurements desired by the secretary of '82. It is requested that all members of '82 present themselves for measurement as soon as possible.


Representatives of Evanston and the University of Michigan have recently formed a Western Base Ball Association, with the intention of playing a series of games early in the season, so that the winner may play for the college championship of the United States with the Eastern college nine which shall head the Eastern list.
