

Lost. - A large gold pencil, somewhere about Boylston Hall. The finder will confer a favor by bringing it to 11 Wadsworth House.

The News, speaking of the danger from fire in the college buildings, says: "We do not want to wake up some morning and find ourselves a charred corpse."

Many of the recitations Monday and Tuesday will be merely opportunities given by the instructors for answering any questions that may be proposed on the half-year's work.

The candidates for pitcher and catcher of the 'Varsity Nine are doing very good work in the gymnasium. They are, for pitcher, Bean and Tucker; for catcher, Nichols and Crocker.

There was a full-dress rehearsal of the Greek play at the Globe last evening. The advance sale of seats has been much larger than was expected.


We will state for the benefit of proctors who are not acquainted with the college regulations, that on Saturdays piano playing is permitted in college buildings between the hours of 1 and 10 P. M.

One hundred thousand dollars has been subscribed for the new Law School professorship, $90,000 of which was given by one man, whose name is not published. Mr. O. W. Holmes, Jr., has been asked to fill the chair.

Mr. Torrey, the assistant in the Qualitative Laboratory, has been in the habit of opening the laboratory on Saturdays, so that the students could work, for the small sum of two dollars an hour; and was becoming rapidly rich, when Dr. Chandler found it out. - [Columbia Spec.
