


The funeral of Senator Wagner took place in New York yesterday.

The bodies of Park Valentine and his wife were buried yesterday.

Four hundred and two bills were introduced in the House yesterday, and referred.

An express train was wrecked yesterday at New Albion, Iowa. Two persons killed and many wounded.

One of the buildings of the American Oak Leather Company's tannery in Cincinnati was burned last evening. Loss, $175,000.


The Rowell six-day race will begin at Madison Square Garden, New York, on Monday, Feb. 27, and close on Saturday, March 4.

The committee of thirteen appointed to canvass for subscriptions for the world's fair recommend that it be indefinitely postponed.

Charles Melius, the brakeman who is accused of causing the Spuyten Duyvil railroad disaster, was arraigned yesterday, and admitted to bail in the sum of $5000.

In the House yesterday an attempt was made to pass, under a suspension of the rules, the bill incorporating the Garfield memorial hospital. It failed, two-thirds not voting in the affirmative.

O'Donovan Rossa says, concerning the recent explosion of an infernal machine on the steamer Oxenholine, that Irishmen in England and Ireland are determined to blow up anything English at every opportunity.

Yesterday Mr. Scoville delivered a very cleverly conceived argument in Guiteau's behalf, such as would naturally be addressed by a shrewd lawyer in a desperate case. It tended, of course, to raise a reasonable doubt in the minds of the jury as to Guiteau's sanity. The testimony given in the case covers 2000 printed pages, given by over 100 different witnesses.

THE WEATHER.WASHINGTON, D. C., Jan. 17, 1882, 1 A. M. For New England and the Middle States rain, turning to sleet or snow, much colder northerly to westerly winds, and rising barometer, probably followed by clearing weather.
