

A freshman who attained 91 and 92 per cent. in the Greek examinations, and has never yet "cut" or "flunked," was recently astonished to learn from his parents that he was admonished from the office to be more diligent in this study, as he was in danger of not passing.

It is probable that the whole sophomore class at Bowdoin, and possibly the entire college will be summoned as witnesses in the suit, recently brought against eight students for $10,000 each, for damages to a fellow student, whose eye-sight was nearly destroyed by their hazing.

The address of the secretary of the Society for Political Education has been changed to 4 Morton street, N. Y. The last tract issued by this society is an interesting pamphlet on "Usury Laws," containing the views of Calvin, Bentham, R. H. Dana, Jr., and D. A. Wells.

From the following, in the Academica, we judge that the study of mineralogy must be receiving considerable attention in the University of Cincinnati: "Some use was found, during October, for the metallurgical laboratory. John used it as a wash house. Some plants were also stationed before the window that the sun's rays might not be totally wasted.

The annual meeting of the Cambridge Entomological Club will be held at No. 1 Garden street (near Christ Church,) Cambridge, Mass., January 13, 1882, at 7.45 P. M. The retiring president, Dr. E. L. Mark, will deliver an address on "The Formation of the Blastoderm of Insects." Students and all others interested in entomology are cordially invited to attend.


WILLIAM TRELEASE, Secretary.Prof. George P. Fisher of the Yale Divinity School, one of the most scholarly representatives of Christianity in America, continues the discussion of the Christian religion, which was initiated in the North American Review by Col. Ingersoll.
