

We invite all members of the university to contribute to our columns, but we do not hold ourselves responsible for any sentiments advanced in communications. Anonymous contributions will not be accepted.

PRO BONO PUBLICO ABDICATES.Entre nous, Mr. HERALD, isn't it getting to be a little too much to ask of a couple of mild philanthropists and reformers like ourselves that we should carry on the whole of this agitation and investigation into the Memorial Hall board business? Am I to write eternal communications, and are you to indite endless editorials and reports with no better results than we have as yet attained? Before we came to college it was different with us writers for the press, when, at our slightest hint of dissatisfaction innumerable mass meetings and investigating committees, and I don't know what all, used to arise to right the wrongs at which we so sternly pointed the finger of scorn. But now things seem to be altogether changed. These Harvard man are quite too incomprehensible. "Tis another exhibition of Harvard "indifference," I am sure. Our most scathing philippics seem to have no effect.

Bless me! here we have a case that would stir the blood of age to mutiny, (or something of that sort,)-dark hints of fraudulent returns at Memorial, exorbitant charges, special meetings, and all that, which anywhere else would call for investigation by the citizens' association, at least. But what do these Harvard men do? Do they hold a mass-meeting, and have speeches and resolutions and reports, et cetera? No, indeed! On the contrary they tamely submit; they leave Memorial in abject fear, and deliver over its fair precincts into the hands of the tyrants? This is the reward of our efforts. After all my letters to the papers calling for justice and reform in such eloquent and powerful language, after all your own laborious reports and editorials and statistics, we see only this result. And again, what have I accomplished in all these years by my efforts to secure steam heating in the dormitories and more lamps in the yard, and other changes too numerous to mention? Simply, nothing. And why, Mr. HERALD, why is this? The answer, sir, is Harvard "indifference." Indifference to reform, indifference to their own interests, indifference to disinterested efforts on their behalf; and fear of publicity, fear of the enthusiasm of indignation, fear of "bad form," forsooth. What is left for me henceforth? Obscurity only. After my services of so many centuries "for the public good," to be thus silently contemned is too much. To be called "grumbler," "fault-finder," and a "thing," is more than even the flesh and blood of so antiquated a creature as myself can bear.

Henceforth and hereafter I declare myself no more


