


Subjects for Second Forensic: Is the natural hostility to new opinions more productive of good or harm? Is Nihilism justifiable in Russia? Ought the United States to have a strong navy? Due Jan 11th, from sections 3d and 4th.

Subjects for Third Forensic: 1. Does the possession of a good memory afford any indication of the presence or absence of other mental powers? 2. Is there a need for reform in the civil service of the United States? The first three subjects of Third Senior Forensic may be taken by juniors. Due after mid-year examinations.

An orchestral concert will be given by the Boston Symphony Orchestra in Sanders Theatre this evening.

Greek reading by Mr. Croswell, "Theocritus," Sever 11, 7.30.

Mr. J. H. Allen in Divinity Hall, 11 A. M., "Transition from Dogma to Philosophy; Calvin to Kant."


Physiology and Hygiene, by Prof. James, in Sever 11, at 2 P. M. Special subject, "Secretion."

Prof. Toy, in Divinity Hall, at 12 M. "Sketch of Early History of Israel."

Stated meeting of board of overseers, 70 Water street, Boston, 11 A. M.
