"It gives me great pleasure to welcome the Quizzical Club in behalf of the paper we all love. You all know what the Tramp is and has been, - the organ of stalwartism, the friend of those great statesmen, Logan and Cameron. WE took away from Hayes the prospect of a second term; WE have inaugurated J. G.; and, if you remember, WE seated our honored chairman [applause] in the gubernatorial chair. 'The Union must and shall be preserved,' the poet says. We condemn secession, and we refuse to place any confidence in those who lately sought to destroy the national government." [Prolonged applause.]
"As it is getting late," remarked the chairman, blushing like a school-boy at the complimentary remarks of the editor, "we cannot hope to hear from all our honored guests; but before we break up I desire to call upon Mr. Walt Wh-tm-n for the poem which he has kindly prepared for the occasion. It will be published in the next Harper's, with thirty-five pre-Raffaelite illustrations, many of them portraits of - of ourselves."
We give Mr. Wh-tm-n's poem entire : -
O, Poncas!
O, injured Poncas!
O, Shirt-less Poncas, and happy in being Shirt-less,
since the monster has gone out of office!
I hate Shirts;
The Poncas hate Shirts;
So does the Tramp;
So do Governor Short, and Senators Hawes and Door.
Let us call for clean Shirts.
Who are the Poncas, and wherefore?
Sweet are the Poncas as the fields in summer,
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