

THE marks in Greek 3 are out.

SEVENTEEN men are now trying for the Nine.

THE debate at the Institute last Friday night was very able.

THE gymnasium at Cornell is kept up by private subscription.

THE second number of the Lampoon is a very good one.


PACH has issued a remarkably good photograph of the Cabinet of President Hayes.

MEMBERS of the Freshman class are requested to pay their subscriptions to the Class Crew to L. E. Sexton, No. 6 Matthews.

THE managers of Young's Hotel are authority for the statement that dinners given by Harvard men are much more orderly than they used to be.

THE witticism beginning "Stella Basbleu," which was so badly misprinted in our last number, should have been credited to the Columbia Spectator.

Been to Olivette?

Not yet.

Well, take a cigarette.

WE have received the February number of the Harvard Register. The covers of this enterprising magazine fully sustain the reputation so justly won by the January issue.

IN another Brevity we speak of the services held during Lent. We wish to say that students are allowed to attend St. John's, not only in Lent, but also at any other time that they desire.

MR. L. O. EMERSON'S new collection of Quartets and Choruses for male voices, published by the Ditsons, has been received by us. The book is certainly worthy the attention of our College vocalists.

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