MY daughter wente to the Annexe scule,
(Mayds are brighte as the bloome of Maye,)
I trowe her mother has rocked a fule,
(The wynd blows bleake on the wintrye daye.)
Her voice is hye and her haire flies free,
(Sweete is the sounde of the throstle's song,)
Her gowne from Parys over the sea.
(The waye is hard and the waye is long.)
Shee plays att bat and shee plays att balle,
(The wynds toss lightlye the leaves soe browne.)
Shee's learned the meanyng of "see" and "calle."
(The luck may smile and the luck may frowne.)
Her crewe, shee says, is faire to see,
(For learnyng, one is ne'er too olde,)
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Appleton Chapel.