I'd be a gay repeater,
Prohibition to cheat - ah!
Since manifold its wrongs are -
And give to Carl my tin, -
If votes were what my songs are,
I mean exceeding thin.
If you were ale, my darling,
And I, your love, were beer,
Our hearts would foam together
All through this muddy weather
Which sets us all a-snarling,
Except the doctors, dear, -
If you were ale, my darling,
And I, your love, were beer.
There was a look of anguish and remorse upon the faces of the listeners when, at the conclusion of the second stanza, the poet fell exhausted into the arms of his friends. A moody silence ensued, broken at last by a slight, dark lady, with remarkably sharp eyes, Miss M. E. Baddone by name, who arose and read from a finely written manuscript: -
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