OUR challenge has been sent to Yale.
THE Echo is evidently the child of the College, because it has not yet learned to spell.
"GIVE me the hand that will never deceive me!" sings a poet. Four aces are his want long felt. - Ex.
THE erection of the Law School building is delayed because no decision upon plans has yet been reached.
ASSOCIATE members of the Glee Club are requested to pay their dues to Mr. Hamlin, 7 Grays, as soon as possible.
SO far as careful printing and general good style are concerned, the Yale News is a pleasant contrast to the Echo.
NOTHING will be done toward the building of the physical laboratory until the supplementary fund has been completed.
"SUIPEE," said Dingus recently, "Why is the Columbia College Press like a performance at Tony Pastor's?" "Because a bird in hand is worth two in a bush," replied Suipee. "Wrong," said Dingus, "it's because it is composed of Actors and Spectators." Suipee swept the floor, Dingus was the broom. - Acta Columbiana.
THE following are the second eight of the Pi Eta from '83: M. H. Clarke, J. E. Davis, E. S. Jack, W. T. Lord, C. Ranlet, F. Ranney, B. W. Wellington, J. H. Wigmore.
THE threatened water famine at Princeton has been averted. Some may be mean enough to say that were Harvard menaced by any such calamity, the students would regard it as a cause for rejoicing.
THE Index will be out very shortly, and it should receive such encouragement from Harvard men that the faithful work of the compiler may be rewarded, and that he may be induced to further efforts from the deserved success of this.
THE Boston Sunday Herald, November 20, speaks of the ill-feeling displayed in our game with Princeton. We wish to say that though the play was rough, there was no action on the part of either Team to warrant this statement. We trust that the cordial relations will continue.
THE last Yale Record, in speaking of the Harvard-Yale game says: "It is but fair to say, however, that Yale obtained a touch-down which was disallowed as much to the surprise of the visitors as of our own Team." This statement, so far as Yale's Team is concerned, is doubtless true, but we do not understand where the Record obtained its information about the visitors, who, if we remember rightly, seemed to think the decision of the referee a just one.
AN old New York paper tells the following curious story: -
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Dr. Sargent on Boxing.