THE following have been elected officers of the Everett Athenaeum: President, C. J. Hubbard; Vice-President, F. B. Fay; Secretary, C. P. Worcester; Treasurer, M. H. Cushing; Stage Manager, C. M. Belshaw; Chorister, J. H. Wigmore; Executive Committee, C. H. Grandgent, O. H. Perry, H. B. Jacobs; Editors, A. A. Wyman, A. C. Lane, R. W. E. Wilson.
PROFESSOR LANMAN will read three times a week with his classes in Sanskrit during the Semi-annuals, omitting the customary examination.
NOTMAN'S photographer declares that if a satisfactory picture is not obtained in three sittings, an extra charge of one dollar will be made for every subsequent sitting.
DR. LAUGHLIN will soon deliver, before an open meeting of the Finance Club, a paper on Immigration. The lecture will be illustrated by a chart showing the comparative density of foreign population in different parts of the United States.
IN the little memorial volume just published on "Benjamin Peirce," appear four sermons by the Rev. Drs. Andrew P. Peabody, James Freeman Clarke, Thomas Hill, and Cyrus A. Bartol. They all heartily discuss the question whether antagonism or harmony exists between religion and science. The sermons are brief, logical, and clearly written, and will afford good reading for those who take any interest in religious discussions.
Two of the members of the expedition sent out by the Archaeological Society are now in London, examining and measuring some stones, &c., already brought to England from Assos, the ruined city which the American expedition is to explore and excavate. A son of Professor Norton is to join the party in Munich.
THE following items from the Annual Report may be of interest to those who have not already seen it: -
The loss in numbers of the class from entrance to graduation has increased from 12 per cent in '73 to 30 1/5 per cent in '80.
Exeter sent the greatest number of students - 25 - of any preparatory school.
Harvard University has increased from 1,278 to 1,364 in five years. Yale has decreased from 1,051 to 1,037 in the same time. Brown, Dartmouth, Wesleyan, and Boston have all decreased.
7,247 volumes have been added to the various libraries connected with the University during the past year, making a total of 253,123 volumes, and 199,060 pamphlets.
The expenses of instruction in Chinese were $4,062.15; the fees received $30.
There is a large gain in the number of those taking electives for five years in Nat. Hist. In 1874-75, 145 took courses in this branch; in 1879-80, 236. Latin has decreased from 232 to 218; Mathematics from 92 to 67. English has increased from 27 to 131; and Fine Arts from 60 to 124.
WE wish to again call the attention of our contributors to the fact that their articles must not be written on both sides of the sheet. We also re-state that no anonymous contributions are published.
THE tickets for the Greek play will be offered for sale about the first of March. The prices will probably be $2.00, $1.50, and $1.00, according to location. Special efforts will be made to prevent speculation in tickets. The expenses for music, costumes, &c., together with the small number of available seats, have rendered it necessary to charge a price which may seem somewhat excessive.