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The last specimen is a portion of a Syllabus in a History Course, with a few of the answers.

HISTORY 11.Social History of the last quarter of the 19th Century, chiefly with reference to Boston.

1. What is an afternoon tea ?

Seventy-five women plaguing two men. (This is a glittering generality, and the numbers may not be exact always.)


2. What is the end of charitable sewing-circles ? That all the members may know what one knows, and what no one ought to know.

3. Why is Boston called the modern Athens ? From its resemblance (geographically) to the ancient city of that name.

4. Why is it also called the Hub ? Because the Hub goes slower than any other part of the wheel, and because centrifugal force makes everything that comes there leave it again as fast and as far as possible.

5. Why is a retiring girl so called ? Because, like a skilful general, she retreats to draw the enemy out of his defences.

6. What is the connection between a julep and the U. S. Mint?

M. M. M.
