

TRINITY students speak of the enjoyment to be derived from the "cultered" society of Boston!

THE paragraph in the elective pamphlet relating to the substitution of Theses for Forensics, in the case of candidates for honors, extends also to Juniors, according to a recent decision of the authorities.

Mr. W. K. RICHARDSON, '80, formerly an editor of the Crimson, has entered Balliol College, Oxford, at the bead of all applicants for admission. He was given the best suite of rooms at the disposal of the college.

AT the last meeting of the Philosophical Club, Messrs. Wheeler and Maude, both of '81, were elected members, and Mr. I. Panin, Vice-president. At the next meeting, Mr. Emery, of Concord, will address the Club on Hegel.

THE officers for the Hasty Pudding Dinner are: President, W. R. Thayer; Toastmaster, F. O. Barton; Chorister, J. S. How; Orator, C. Guild; Poet, A. L. Mills; Committee of Arrangements, Messrs. C. R Sanger, R. Sprague, and F. O. Barton.


AT the meeting of the directors of the Dining Association, held last Wednesday, the auditor's report was read and referred to a committee, consisting of Messrs. Fuller, Lilienthal, and Elting. A table was established for late breakfast, for which those who come after 9 o'clock will be charged extra. Below are some of the items of the auditor's report :-

Provisions $9,301 22

Service 2,448.23

Coal 253.06

Water 26.88

Gas 164.32

Breakage 117.44

Interest on Debt 328.04

Reduction of Debt 166.67
