THE officers for the torchlight procession are: Chief Marshal, E. D. Brandegee, '81; Senior-Class Marshals, - first, Atkinson; second, Folsom; third, Sanger. Junior Class Marshals are, - first, Pendleton; second, Bowen; third, Olmsted. Sophomore Class Marshals are, - first, Cabot; second, Morison; third, Kip.
AN assessment of seventy-five cents for six hundred students will provide all the necessary paraphernalia, torches, &c, including the Boston Cadet Band.
THE President has arbitrarily refused to the Harvard Union the use of Sanders Theatre for the public address contemplated for next week. Considerable surprise has been expressed at this decision.
THE following are the officers of the Hasty Pudding Club: W. R. Thayer, President; C. R. Sanger, Vice-President; C. H. W. Foster, Treasurer; P. Evarts, Secretary; C. Sprague, Ko.; C. A. Coolidge, Artist; J. S. How, Chorister.
WE are requested to correct a statement about the amount of the Iliad to be read for Second-year Honors in 1880-81. The notice published in the Crimson last year should have read: "Iliad, XIII., XVII., and XIX., Ames's or Paley's edition."
THE University Team will be chosen from the following candidates: Atkinson, Upham, Clarke, Warren, Thacher, Manning, Perin, Leatherbee, Boyd, Cabot, Morison, Keith, Kent, Woodward, Wesselhoeft, Goodwin, Edmands, Cutts, Fifer, Houston, Nickerson, Appleton, Dabney, Osborne, Cumming, Kendall.
ON next Thursday, the following question is to be debated in English 6: Resolved, That the best interests require the election of General Garfield. Affirmative, Hadley, Hawkins, and MacVeagh. Negative, Gibbons, Davis, and Ivy. Debate begins in Sever 5, at 2 o'clock and lasts until 5 o'clock. All who wish to come are invited.
GAMES are arranged for the Football Team as follows: October 23 (at one o'clock), in Boston, Brittanias of Montreal. November 6, in New York (at Polo Grounds), Columbia. November 13, in New York (at Polo Grounds), Princeton. November 20, in Boston, Yale. October 30 and November I, games will probably be played in Canada with Ottawa and Toronto.
HARVARD DINING ASSOCIATION.Attention is called to the following votes passed by the Board of Directors : -
Voted, that no guest of a member of the Dining Association should be brought into the hall for a period longer than one week during each College term. For any longer time permission must be obtained from the auditor.
Voted, that meals should be carried to the room of a member of the Association only for himself, and only when he is actually ill, or otherwise unable to come to the hall. For carrying such meals there shall be no charge.
According to a recent vote of the Directors of the Dining Association, the bulletin boards must be cleared every Saturday night.
Mr. Mulligan was reappointed Assistant Auditor.
THE following letter was received by the Harvard Union from Ex-Attorney-General Hoar: -
Read more in News
Special Notice.Recommended Articles
Senior Class Meeting.The senior class meeting which took place last night in Upper Massachusetts was called to order by President Trafford. The
The Procession.A preliminary meeting of the marshals elected by the three upper classes to make arrangements for the coming torchlight procession
The Procession.The college procession which is to march on Thursday night, Oct. 30th will form on North Charles street, above Cambridge
Order of March.All who intend to march in the procession tonight must be on North Charles street, Boston at 6.45. The committee
Freshmen March to Field at 3.30The Freshmen class will march to Soldiers Field today to cheer the team in its last practice in Cambridge. The