

MR. E. S. SHELDON has recently published "A Short German Grammar."

IT is reported that the Hemenway Gymnasium is to be called the "Palestra."

DR. SARGENT will introduce apparatus of his own invention in the Gymnasium.

THE Yale Medical School has extended its two-years' course to three years.

THE bowling-alleys of the new Gymnasium are finely made and well fitted up.


TWENTY-TWO young women have applied for admission to the Woman's College.

A LARGE number of graduates from other colleges have entered at Harvard this year.

MR. F. H. ALLEN, '80, has resigned his position as coxswain of the University Crew.

THREE hundred and fifty visitors registered in the College Library during July and August.

FORTY-FIVE graduate courses are given this year. The number last year was twenty-seven.

THERE is an article on "The Race, and Why Yale Lost It," in the "Atlantic" for September.

THE fifth edition of "Structural Botany," by Prof. Asa Gray, of Harvard, has just been issued.

THE new Secretary is Amory Thompson Gibbs, A.M., formerly the Private Secretary of the President.

IT has been found necessary to have a matron at Cornell to look after the young ladies of the college.

THE young women of the new College are to be boarded at private houses selected by the lady managers.
