THE Faculty of Syracuse University has granted a petition from the Senior Class, asking that speaking at Commencement be abolished.
THE one-o'clock Shore Line train from the Providence Station reaches New London at four o'clock, in time to see the Harvard-Yale race.
MR. JUSTIN WINSOR will address the "American Library Association" in the Boston Medical Library Hall, June 30, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon.
DR. H. H. HAGEN will read a paper on "Insect Pests in Libraries," before the American Library Association in the Boston Medical Library Hall, July 2, at 10 o'clock.
THE fourth game with Yale takes place to-day at 4 P. M. on Jarvis Field. Up to this time the record stands: Harvard 5, Yale 11; Harvard 2, Yale 0; Harvard 5, Yale 9.
TICKETS for the Commencement dinner will be for sale only in Massachusetts Hall, between the hours of ten and two. Graduates of 1832 and of all previous years are entitled to tickets without payment.
FIRST SUB-FRESH. Can you tell where I can get a permit to the Yard?
SECOND SUB-FRESH (pointing to the Borsair's office.) There in that little brown building, I suppose.
THE Freshmen deserve great praise for their self-control in refraining from molesting the Sophomores at the tree, and it is to be hoped that room at the tree will always be found in future for the Freshman class.
THE regimen of the Yale crew is as follows: For breakfast, steak and eggs; for dinner, cold meat, lettuce and fruit, and a little oat-meal and rice-pudding; for supper, steak and vegetables. The crew rows twice daily.
A FEW copies of the number of the Crimson that contains the plans and heliotype view of Sever Hall may be obtained at the University Bookstore.
THE annual meeting of the Fraternity of the Phi Beta Kappa, for the election of officers and the transaction of other business, will be held in the west lecture-room of Boylston Hall, to-morrow, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon.
THE American Library Association will visit the University on the afternoon of July 2 By invitation of the President and Fellows of the College, the members will take tea in Memorial Hall before returning to Boston.
THE Orator for the annual reunion of the Fraternity of the Phi Beta Kappa will be the Hon. Charles S. Bradley, formerly of the Law School. The public are cordially invited to attend the exercises in Sanders Theatre. Doors open at 12 M.
DELEGATES from the different Lacrosse Clubs throughout the United States met in New York last Friday evening, and organized the United States Lacrosse Amateur Association. Mr. R. Sturgis, '81, was elected one of the five Trustees.
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