

Who was it?WHO gave a Puff to '82,

Telling us all that we could do

(Although they thought it early to), -

Who was it?

Who wrote an Editorial,


A sort of huge memorial

Withholding pen censorial, -

Who was it?

Who says fine things, then takes them back,

And gives a pat, and then a crack,

Seeming consistency to lack, -

Who is it?

'82.THE man who borrowed Harper's Magazine for June from the Reading Room has forgotten to return it.

A NEW edition of the "Rules and Regulations," containing quite a number of changes, will probably be published next fall.

AN Instructor in Botany recently asked: "If you plant an Annual what will come up?" Some of the division thought that it would be a semi-annual, but the majority answered, "A condition."

SECOND-YEAR Honors in Classics were awarded as follows: Highest Honors, - Sophomores, W. C. Lane, Jameson, Nelson, J. R. Howe, Ludlow, Howell, Roberts, Scott, Goddard; Juniors, Richardson. Honors, - Sophomores, Edwards, Stanton, W. H. Coolidge, Maude, Rolfe, Jones, O'Callaghan, Brewer, Seaverns, Whitman, Rogers, C. A. Reed, Dickerman, Staples; Juniors, W. G. Taylor, Gilley, March, Rhett; Seniors, Houghton, Bailey, B. F. Harding (Class of '78).
