

THE following men are now trying for the '79 class crew: Aldrich, Brewster, Burr, Cobb, Cowdin, Houston, Ives, Keyes, Meyer, Preston (Captain), Taussig, Thomas, and Trimble.

THE following subjects have been assigned for the sixth Sophomore theme: Washington's Course in the Case of Andre; The Marking-System; What English Poet of this Century do you prefer?

THE officers of the H. U. F. B. C. for the coming year are as follows: President, L. Cushing, '79; Vice-President, R. Winsor, '80; Captain, R. Bacon, '80; Manager, W. Hooper, '80.

DAVID A. WELLS has sent a letter to the Finance Club, regretting that he will not be able to deliver a lecture before them this year on account of ill-health, and hoping to be able to give one next year.

AT the meeting of the Finance Club on next Monday evening a paper on "Tax Exemption" will be read. The club now numbers about twenty-eight members.


A RELIGIOUS society in Brookline have offered prayers for the Faculty of Harvard College. One of their requests is that the Faculty may lighten the work of the students.

Two Sophomores enter a horse-car; the first takes the only vacant seat, and the second sits in his lap. Presently a young lady enters, and the second Soph, rising, says, "Take my seat, madam." (Fact.)

ARRANGEMENTS have been made to run a line of coaches from Cambridgeport to Boston for half the rate of fare of the Union Railway Company, and there is a prospect that this line will be extended to other parts of Cambridge.

MR. MOORE, '73, of Philadelphia, has recently presented the Peabody Museum of Ethnology with a case of specimens, which consist of Egyptian Antiquities, and a collection from the Swiss lakes, that represent the flint and bronze ages.

THE Yale Alumni held its sixth annual reunion and banquet in New York City last week, Justice Strong presiding. Professor Thacher of Yale College was among the honored guests. Addresses were made by Chief Justice Waite and others.

PROFESSOR CHILD is giving a course of readings from Chaucer. He began last Tuesday evening with the " Clerk's Tale." Mr. Hale will read Catullus early in March, on Wednesday evenings. Mr. Dyer will read the Ajax of Sophocles after the April recess.

FROM the Notes and Queries in the Library:

What celebrated English prince was descended from a cardinal?

Answer. Don't you mean what celebrated cardinal was descended from a prince, as cardinals ought not to marry?

OWING to a desire expressed for a course of lectures on English Literature, Mr. Perry has kindly consented to deliver such a course, beginning with the writers of Queen Anne's time. The first lecture will be given in No. 3 Mass., Tuesday, March 11, at 11 o'clock.
