A BOATING-MEETING of the Class of '80 was held on last Tuesday evening, at which a committee of three was appointed to canvass the class for subscriptions, and to take measures for purchasing a boat and oars. The meeting adjourned amid great enthusiasm.
ABOUT ninety men were present at Mr. Perry's lecture last Tuesday. The works of Pope which were taken up were the "Rape of the Lock," the "Satires and Epistles," and the "Translation of Homer." Next Tuesday Mr. Perry will speak of the "Dunciad," and then go on to Addison.
PROFESSOR FRANCIS A. WALKER of New Haven will deliver a lecture on "The Principles of Taxation," under the charge of the Finance Club, at Sanders Theatre, Wednesday evening, March 26. Tickets are free, and can now be obtained of members of the Club, or at Sever's.
THE Columbia Spectator will publish, on March 31, a two-page extra, containing a full list of the entries for the first Annual Athletic meeting to be given by the Columbia College Boat-Club, at Gilmore's Garden, on the evenings of April 4 and 5. Price, 3 cents; by mail, 5 cents. Address W. L. Sloan, 21 West 17th Street, New York.
THE Pierian Sodality will give their annual concert in Lyceum. Hall, March 25. Mr. A. Van Raalte will assist as violin soloist. There will also be a Quartette from the Glee Club, consisting of Messrs. Tucker-man, '82, Morgan, '81, Pendleton, '82, Brackett, '80. There will be dancing after the concert. Admission, 50 cents. Reserved seats, 75 cents. Tickets can be obtained of members.
THE recitations of the Freshman class were suspended yesterday until after the recess, and the following examinations will be held: Physics, Saturday, March 22; Latin, Tuesday, March 25; Greek, Thursday, March 27; French and German, Saturday, March 29; Mathematics, Tuesday, April 1. All examinations begin at 9.30 A. M., and last three hours. Conditioned men who have not attended recitations will be examined in U. E. R.
SOME excitement has been caused among the Yale students by an assault made upon J. W. Keller, one of the editors of the Yale News, on Thursday, by Robert S. Rodman, a Senior, of Rock Island, Ill. Rodman felt aggrieved at an article published in the News which seemed to him to reflect upon himself. A rough-and-tumble fight followed Rodman's blow at Keller, and the latter got so much the better of his antagonist that he is about the street, while Rodman is confined to his room.
CORNELL College has decided to organize and enter an eight-oared Freshman and a four-oared University crew at the N. A. A. O. college races. The four-oar will consist of W. Gregory, '80, stroke; J. Lewis, '80, 3; J. N. Shinkel, '81, 2; J. W. Warner, '80, bow. Twenty-five Freshmen are working for their class crew.
ONE Parker Fellowship (annual income, $ 800) will become vacant at the end of the current Academic year. Application must be in writing, and addressed to Professor J. M. Peirce, Secretary of the Academic Council. No application will be received after April 1.
THE weights of the candidates for the Freshman Crew as recently published by the Advocate were incorrect. The following are the correct weights as taken by Mr. W. T. Brigham:-
Bartlett, Captain 142 3/4
Hoar 145
Blodgett 148
Dean 145
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