

THE sums awarded for the Loan Fund are now payable.

THIRTEEN vacant College rooms are advertised at the Bursar's office.

SUBSCRIPTIONS to Vol. XIII. of the Crimson may be paid now at the University Bookstore.

ON a single day a few weeks ago 1000 copies of King's Handbook were sold in Boston.

THE officers of the Natural History Society have been re-elected for the second half-year.


THERE is no truth in the report that the Faculty have again voted to petition for the abolition of prayers.

ONE of the instructors in the undergraduate department speaks of the mid-year examinations as the "recess."

THE number of students who are taking the instruction in singing offered by Mr. Carey is over one hundred.

OFFICERS of the Signet from '80: A. B. Weimar, President; W. S. Andrews, Secretary; J. S. Carruth, Treasurer.

IF the Faculty would hold examinations in the evening, the time of the Semi-annuals might be still further shortened.

THE powers that be do not leave many loop-holes open to the cribbing propensities of the undergraduates. The Examination papers of yesterday were printed from four to ten o'clock in the morning, being finished exactly in time for the Examination.

THE Professor of Greek who talks about the paper coinage of the Athenians has not been invited to join the Finance Club.

IT is reported that Prof. Ferris, Superintendent of the Christian Union Gymnasium in Boston, has been offered a position in the new Gymnasium.

LAST Saturday afternoon two overcoats were stolen from the Library. To prevent any more thefts a check-boy has been placed in charge of the coat-room.

HALLEY'S comet appears once in seventy-six years, and the President attended the exercises in English 6 last week. These two facts have no connection with each other.
