

ELIZA DARLING, of Michigan University, writes to the Nation that May Wright Thompson, when she says that she "is informed that at Ann Arbor most of the lady students are believers in suffrage," is wrongly informed. Her own opinion is based on the result of an inquiry among the ladies of the literary department; of the fifty-three interviewed, two would give no opinion whatever, five were undecided, fourteen in favor of woman's suffrage, and thirty-two more or less decidedly opposed. Only the voice of the Annex can decide this vexed question.

"Et voila comme

Un galant homme

Evite tous desagrements."

I care not for the form and grace


And beauty of Adonis;

I am contented with the face -

Though homely - that my own is.

I 'd have his better blessing, lent

By Heaven to very few men.

'T was this: he did not care a cent

For goddesses or women.

