

ALL the officers of the Memorial Hall Dining Association have been elected. President, Josiah Quincy, '80; Vice-President, G. A. Burdett, '81. Directors: Seniors, Almy, A. Perry; Juniors, Atkinson, W. R. Thayer; Sophomores, Boyd, P. M. Washburn; Freshmen, Evans, Kip; Law School, Barnes, Elting; Divinity School, Bowser; Episcopal Theological School, J. W. Gilmore.

SCENE: U. 24. Professor By-Path's Seniors are crowding the benches. Freshman Tutor Sleet is in the chair. Professor By-Path, it seems, is cutting.

Sleet loquitur. - I will request Mr. Snodkins (of '83, late '82) to stay after the recitation. I beg your pardon; I should have seen you were Seniors.

He flees to his real recitation-room in U. 23, and finds his section gone; time, 10.06. Grind on Sleet and the swell Seniors.

THE following are the subjects for the first Junior Forensic:-


1. Would the annexation of Canada be advantageous to the United States?

2. Has England any ground for fearing a Russian advance on India?

3. What justification had King Lear's daughters?

4. May we rightly indulge in luxuries when our fellow-men are in want?

The first section will hand in their forensic November 5; the second, November 12; the third, November 19; the fourth, November 26.

HARVARD FRESHMEN VS. ST. MARK'S.THE game began at 2.15 P. M., with Harvard at the bat. After seven innings were played, the game was called at 4.30 P. M., as by a previous agreement between the two captains, to enable the visitors to catch the last train from Southborough for Boston. As St. Mark's was ahead at this point, the Freshmen were naturally dissatisfied. St. Mark's courteously consented to go on with the game, but decided among themselves to stop at the end of the next half, whatever the result, being determined to cling to the original agreement. The Freshmen then went in, and made five runs. St. Mark's then withdrew.

The following is the score by innings:-

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

St. Mark's 3 0 1 6 1 0 1-12

Freshmen 2 0 1 4 2 1 1-11
