

DR. E. A. WASHBURN of New York will deliver the second lecture in the course before the S. Paul's Society on Tuesday evening next, at Christ Church, Cambridge. Members of the University and the public are cordially invited to attend.

THE necessary arrangements with the lecturers in the Scientific Course to be given in Sanders Theatre are completed, and the Natural History Society are only waiting to receive from those gentlemen the titles of the lectures before publishing the programmes.

EXAMINATIONS for entrance conditions will be held as follows: Modern Geography, January 11, 11 A. M.; German, January 11, 12 M.; Physical Science, January 13, 4 1/2 P. M., in U. E. R. These examinations do not excuse attendance at recitations.

SNODKINS has been making calls in Cambridge during the Recess. The mother of one of his lady friends took interest enough in him to inquire what were his intentions in regard to her daughter. "My intentions are to leave, madam," said the hero; and he did. Bravo, Snodkins! (Fact.)

THE Boston Advertiser says of the Harvard Index of 1878-79: "It follows pretty closely in the tracks of its predecessors, and makes no attempt to present the humorous side of college life." The Advertiser is evidently unable to appreciate the subtle humor of the Index.


JUDGING from the violent form which the interest of Russian students in politics has lately assumed, there is very little "indifference" at the Russian universities.

PACH has begun to take the Senior class photographs. As the single pictures are all to be taken before February 10, the committee requests that Seniors will hold themselves in readiness to make their appointments at short notice.

AT the meeting of the Board of Overseers, January 8, the President and Treasurer of the University presented their annual reports in print. The Committee on Reports and Resolutions reported by Hon. W. S. Russell, and the Committee on Treasurer's Accounts by Hon. Leverett Saltonstall.

THE following appointments were confirmed at the meeting of the Board of Overseers, on January 8: Reginald Heber Fitz, M. D., Professor of Pathological Anatomy; Henry S. Cary, Instructor in Singing for the current academic year; Henry W. Torrey, Ezra Abbott, Walcott Gibbs, Francis J. Child, Charles E. Norton, and George L. Goodale, members of the Council of the Library for three years, from January 1, 1879.

SENIOR FORENSICS. First Section. In the punishment of crime is there any object to be aimed at except the prevention of crime? References: Baccaria (des Delits et Peines), Bentham's Theory of Legislation, Livingston's Criminal Jurisprudence (introduction to La Code), Rantoul's speeches on Capital Punishment, Dymond's Elements of Morality, and other treatises on moral philosophy, passim. Time, first Tuesday in March.

SCENE: Car on N. Y. Central R. R., crowded with students from Union College, who are making a great deal of noise.

PASSENGER (addressing one of the students). I suppose there is a pretty jolly set of fellows at Union.

STUDENT. You're right there. Why, I do nothing but feed and be tough, and that's about all the rest of the fellows do. (Fact.)

FOLLOWING are the names of the gentlemen who took part in the theatricals given last week at the Union League Theatre, New York, in aid of the Boat Club:-

Messrs. A. M. Sherwood, Stanley Cunningham, Nathaniel Curtis, William Sheafe, J. T. Bowen, W. R. Austin, A. W. Morgan, Sigourney Butler, William Farnsworth, David Urquhart, C. F. Sprague, A. B. Denny, J. T. Linzee, J. B. Williams, M. S. Burrill, H. Chapin, J. E. Cowdin, A. Crocker, L. Harding, C. L. Perkins, G. R. Sheldon, and J. A. Wright, Jr.
