Mr. Sheldon will begin a similar course on Thursday evening, February 28, in Holyoke A. The readings will be from Chamisso's Peter Schlemihl.
The readings will begin at 7.30 in each course.
A MEETING of the Harvard Club of San Francisco was recently held in that city, and its affairs seem to be in a prosperous condition. The dinner was well attended, considering the distances men have to travel in California. There were present about twenty or twenty-five graduates and former members of the College. Several members of the class of '77 graced the dinner with their presence, and enthusiastic speeches were made by graduates of longer standing. Mr. Fried-lander, formerly of the class of '79, was the youngest gentleman at the dinner.
THE Faculty has appointed the following members of the second-year class in the Law School, being those who passed the best examination in June last in the studies of the first year, to write parts for the next Commencement, from which the Faculty will select the part to be delivered; Barrows, Bradley, Croswell, Cushing, Du Bois, Green, Howland, Morawetz, O'Callaghan, Ritchie, and Wigglesworth.
THE Second Course of Scientific Lectures will be given at the times indicated, under the auspices of the Harvard Natural History Society, in the Sanders Theatre, Cambridge, Mass.
March 6, Prof. J. P. Cooke, Jr., "The Radiometer."
March 14, Prof. Benjamin Peirce, "On the Nebular Theory." Illustrated.
March 21, Prof. W. G. Farlow, "On Seaweeds." Illustrated.
March 28, Prof. W. H. Brewer of the Sheffield Scientific School, New Haven, "On Dogs."
April 11, Prof. J. C. White, "The Structure and Care of the Skin."
April 18, Prof. Asa Gray, "Forest Geography and Archaeology."
April 25, Prof. J. D. Whitney, "The Californian Pliocene Man." Illustrated.
May 2, Prof. H. W. Williams, "Are our Eyes equal to the Demands of a Higher Education?"
Doors closed at 7.35 P. M., when the lectures begin.
Tickets free; to be obtained as follows:
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