

THE dates for the winter meeting of the Athletic Association have been fixed for Saturdays, March 9, 16, and 23. The hour of the tournaments has been changed from 11 A. M. to 2 P. M., on account of the Freshman examinations, the hours of which, it will be remembered, conflicted seriously last year with the programme of the sports.

As this announcement is made so early, nearly two months before the first day's tournament, and three weeks before the Mid-year examinations, there can be no excuse for not entering the contests in earnest. Every one will expect to see a first-class meeting, and it is to be hoped that there will be no disappointment of expectation. If men will train sufficiently, there is no reason why this tournament should not be even more interesting than those of preceding years.

Freshmen, particularly, are requested to come forward in whatever contest they may be able; and here it is well enough to repeat, for their benefit, the rules of the Association with regard to entering these or any other meetings of the Association. The Athletic Association is open to all members of the University on payment of the initiation fee ($2.25, including shingle). No one who is not a member will be allowed to enter in any contest whatever, nor will any one be permitted inside the Gymnasium during the contests, without first having become a member.

This moderate sum is not an annual tax, but when once paid entitles one to membership during connection with the University.

The support of the Association must come chiefly from each Freshman class; if enough Freshmen join, there need be no present assessment; there has been none for more than two years.


Applications for membership should be made to Mr. Tucker Burr, 17 Holworthy. As the Association is in need of funds, to buy the prizes necessary for the tournament and for other purposes, those intending to join will facilitate matters by doing so at once.

The list of events will be nearly the same as last year; the probable order will be published in our next number.

The same rules will govern this meeting as last year, the weights for sparring, etc., remaining as before.

The date of the opening of the entry book will be announced hereafter. There is one point in connection with this to which we wish to call attention, viz. last year there was a great deal of confusion caused by the tardiness with which some men entered their names; this delay on their part proceeded from a desire to know before-hand against what opponents they were to be pitted. We hope there will be nothing of this kind this year. Let a man decide well if he is in condition to enter the contest at all; and if he is, he should not be afraid to declare his willingness to match himself against any other man that would come under his same class.
