

AFTER the mongrel day which '77 endured last year, and in view of recent sinister criticism of the "new regime," it behooves the present Senior class practically to demonstrate next June that its class spirit has not been destroyed by the elective system, and that it is willing to unite all its forces in getting up a joyous Class Day.

To make the day as successful as possible, no visitor must be allowed to experience the slightest inconvenience, disappointment, or embarrassment. Although certain general arrangements can be made to lighten individual responsibility, the success of the day must largely depend on the tact and forethought of each student.

First, the exercises have been spread over too great a part of the day. The afternoon and evening give plenty of time for the whole programme. The function of host is a difficult one at best, especially to students who have had but little practice. It would be wise, therefore, to make the burden of entertainment as light as possible by bringing the exercises into the latter half of the day. This change would cause the good things of the day to occur in such rapid succession that no visitor would have time to grow weary. Furthermore, ladies do not like to prepare their toilets at sunrise; if they do dress then, they will no doubt become so jaded during the day as to seriously affect their enjoyment of the evening. I might also add that it is hardly right to compel a Senior to receive his friends at an hour which he has usually given to sleep.

A change is needed in the time and place for the delivery of the ivy oration. I think it should immediately precede or succeed the exercises about the tree. If raised seats surround the tree, the orator, standing on a platform in the centre, will be able both to see his audience and to make them hear him. Inasmuch as the ivy will probably never take root, it might as well be planted under the tree as behind Gore Hall.

In order to make dancing possible in the evening, only a limited number of tickets to the Hall should be issued. If each Senior have but one ticket, transferable and admitting an indefinite number of ladies, an uncomfortable jam in the Hall would be prevented, and, certainly, Terpsichore would be rendered most grateful.


Finally, I would suggest that some member of the Faculty would be warmly approved if he should emulate the example of Professor Lowell by inviting '78 to a su ptuous breakfast.

