Scott, H. E., G. 51. Farnsworth, J. P.
Seaver, H. E., C. 18. Griswold, A. W., H'ke 35.
Seaver, J. M., M. 31. Howe, W. W.
Seaverns, J. H. Lamson, W. A.
Slade, D. R, G. 31. Thomson, H. I., M. 42.
Slade, M. P. Ware, E. J.
Slater, W. A. Total admitted, 219
Snelling, R. P. Total rejected, 36
DINING hours at Memorial are the same as last year: 8 to 9, 12 1/2 to 1 1/2, 5 1/2 to 6 1/2. Tables must be formed immediately.