THE University Crew are to have their pictures taken seated in their boat. The pictures, which are to be large size, will be sold for two dollars each, and persons desiring to obtain one are requested to hand their names to the Captain, Mr. Bancroft.
WE fully appreciate the difficulty of preparing the Tabular View, but it seems to us rather hard that students who take Latin 8 and Greek 11, the regular Senior Classics, should have every course in History except History 9 and 10 - the latter of which is a graduate course - closed to them.
THE tide will be high at the boat-house during the next two weeks at the following hours: -
May 19 5.05 P.M. May 26 11.20 A. M.
May 20 6.05 P.M. May 27 12.20 P.M.
May 21 7.05 P.M. May 28 1.05 P.M.
May 22 8.05 P.M. May 29 1.50 P.M.
May 23 9.05 P.M. May 30 2.20 P.M.
May 24 9.35 A.M. May 31 3.05 P.M.
May 25 10.35 A.M. June 1 3.50 P.M.
THE following Circular has been sent to the members of the Phi Beta Kappa: -
DEAR SIR: I am instructed by the Executive Committee of the Phi Beta Kappa Alumni in New York, to inform the members of the different chapters of the Phi Beta Kappa residing in and near New York, that applications for membership may be sent to the Secretary at the office of Davies & Work, 120 Broadway. You are requested to communicate this information to all members of the Society whom you may meet. A list of the officers of the Association from whom further information may be obtained is annexed.
ERNEST H. CROSBY, Secretary.
NEW YORK, May 1, 1877.
President, Stewart L. Woodford, Columbia College. Vice-President, Alexander S. Webb, College of the City of N. Y. Secretary and Treasurer, Ernest H. Crosby, University of the City of N.Y. Executive Committee (Members specially elected). Benjamin B. Foster, Bowdoin College; Elihu Root, Hamilton College; William Richmond, Harvard College; William G. Davies, Trinity College; Willard Bartlett, Columbia College; George W. Clark, Union College.