

A Dawning.

46 Juniors have elected Philosophy.

59 Juniors have elected Political Economy.

72 Juniors have elected History.

5 Juniors have elected Music.

20 Juniors have elected Fine Arts 2.


39 Juniors have elected Natural History.

History 7 has been taken by 46 men.

PROF. J. L. DIMAN of Brown has been chosen Phi. B. K. orator. The poet has not yet been selected.

MEMBERS of the H. P. C. having in their possession books belonging to the Library are requested to return them immediately.

THE Freshman Nine will play their second game with the Yale Freshmen on Jarvis, Saturday, June 17, at 3 P. M. Tickets may be obtained at Matthews 35.

ON Thursday, a Nine from the Junior Class will play with a Nine from all other departments of the University, and an exciting game is expected. The players will be:-

'77. University.

Nash, p. Ernst, p.

Thacher, c. Tyng, c.

Tower, 1st b. Wright, 1st b.

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