

James, L. S. S. (3). Morgan, '78 (bow).

Le Moyne, '78 (4). Cheney, 78 (cox.).

Jacobs, '79 (5).

Their average weight is 159 lbs. They are rowing the old "Harvard stroke," as adapted to the sliding-seat. They row 35 or 36 strokes to the minute, and spurt up to 40; but it is improbable they will row faster than 38 strokes to the minute on the 30th of June. As a whole, they are a very promising crew, and show signs of good coaching and training. They leave for Springfield next Thursday.


The six-oar is of course coming out of the eight. It has not been chosen yet, but the first three men in the eight will have the same positions in the six. They will go to Saratoga immediately after the struggle at Springfield is over.

The Freshmen are doing well. For such a heavy crew to pull its weight is next to impossible. But they are working hard, and have improved beyond expectation during May and June.
