THE University Nine have good reason to be satisfied with the result of the game with the Bostons on Wednesday. The game with the Lowells gave no opportunity for testing the fielding powers of the Nine, while the Boston game showed that Ernst would be well supported.
We lost the toss, and Leeds led off with a fine base-hit to right field, stole second base, and was left there. For the Bostons, Wright got his first on called balls, stole his second, and came home on a passed ball. In the second inning Thayer made a hard base-hit, and scored his run before the third man was out. The Bostons failed to score in this inning. Leeds again led off, getting his first by an error of short-stop, and getting home by a base-hit of Dow's. This inning ended the run-getting for the Harvards, although several men were left on bases. The batting of Thayer and Leeds was especially good, each getting two good base-hits, while the rest of the Nine did fairly in that respect.
The fielding was, on the whole, satisfactory. Being a cold, disagreeable day, it was natural that some errors should be made, and those that were made were mostly excusable. Ernst's pitching was effective, and he was well supported by Thatcher, whose throwing to the bases was a feature of the game; in this respect, as well as in many others, he has improved much since last year. Wright's play on first base left nothing to be desired. Leeds, at short-stop, played finely, and is evidently working for a good record this year.
The third base was excellently played by Thayer, who put out two men and assisted three out without error. Dow caught a hard liner in right field.
The umpire was unfortunate in several of his decisions.
Below is the score:-
R. IB. PO. A. E.
Leeds, S. 1 2 1 3 1
Latham, L. 0 0 1 0 2
Dow, R. 0 1 1 0 0
Ernst, P. 0 0 1 2 2
Thayer, C. 1 2 2 3 0
Tower, M. 0 0 0 0 1
Wright, A. 0 1 14 0 0
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