IT is rumored that Dr. Noah Porter of Yale College thinks of attending the Beecher-Moulton church council, but it is not yet known whether Captain Cook will grant permission. The matter is under consideration. - Providence Press.
THE candidates for the University Nine are: Ernst, Harrison, Kip, Tyng, '76; Bird, Dow, Herrick, Latham, Leeds, Sawyer, Tower, '77; Holmes, Thayer, '78 Blanchard and Wright, '79. They practise daily in the Gymnasium from two to three in the afternoon.
A ROOM has been hired for the use of the University Crew on Brighton Street. The hydraulic rowing-machines have been removed thither from the Gymnasium, and other necessary apparatus has been put in. The candidates for the crew begin practice in this room to-day.
THE following candidates for the University Crew are at work in the Gymnasium: Otis, L. S. S.; James, L. S. S.; Irving, L. S. S; Thayer, L. S. S.; Bolan, '76; Weld, '76; Hastings, '76; Martin, '77; Bacon, '77; Loring, '78; Bancroft, '78; Le Moyne, '78; Worden, '78; Jacobs, '79.
SUBSCRIPTIONS for the fund to support the Art Club Scholarship have been received from the following gentlemen: President Eliot, $50; Prof. Norton, $50; H. W. Longfellow, $50; J. R. Lowell, $50; C. E. Ware, $50; Edward Page, $50; G. B. Chase, $50. Total, $350. Annual subscriptions, Prof. Norton, $10.
THE Freshmen have fitted up a small room, outside the Yard, with rowing weights, etc., and the following men are working for their class crew: Brigham, Crocker, Katsenbach, Price, Schwartz, Sheafe, Sheldon, Shillito, Smith, Weld, and Welles (Captain). Mr. R. C. Watson, who rowed on the crew of '67, will coach the Freshmen when the river opens.
AT the last meeting of the Alpha Chapter of the Phi Beta Kappa Fraternity, the following additional members were elected: From the Senior Class, Messrs. F. C. Lowell, Talbot, Finck, Du Bois, Barrows, Williams, Wheeler, Potter, Page, Bullard, P. Lowell, Culbreth, Pine, Stimson, Witherlee, Fisher, W. L. Chase, Minot, Flint, Stiles; from the Junior Class, Messrs. Sykes, A. E. Smith, H. Whiting, Woodberry, Sprague, H. R. Bailey, Bond, O'Callaghan.
A MEETING of the Executive Committee of the H. U. B. C. was held on Tuesday last, and Mr. Wetmore, '75, and Mr. Otis, L. S. S., were appointed to meet the delegates of Yale at New London, on December 15, to arrange the preliminaries of the Yale and Harvard race. The delegates were instructed to vote for Springfield as the place, and the latter part of June as the time for the regatta. No further instructions were given the delegates, but the Executive Committee reserves to itself the power of vetoing any decisions which meet with disapproval.
WE have been requested by the officers of the College Telegraph Company to correct an erroneous impression which seems to prevail among the lower classes respecting this company. As its roll of membership is at present entirely made up (with one exception) of Juniors, the report has been circulated and generally believed among the lower classes, that the company has become a class affair.
That this is by no means the case, the managers wish to be emphatically stated, for membership is open to all connected with the University, who can pass a satisfactory examination in telegraphy.
The meetings of the Company are held monthly, and any students who take an interest in telegraphing, and are desirous of becoming members, can, by presenting their names to the Secretary, have them acted on at the next meeting.
The condition of the College Telegraph Company is extremely good, as under the present efficient management all the lines have been thoroughly insulated, the batteries newly fitted up, and everything put in perfect working order. The Company desires that its number of members be recruited from the lower classes, in order to perpetuate its existence, and it is to be hoped, now that the nature of the society is understood, that students who are at all interested in this matter will enroll their names immediately.