Co. A. Co. B.
Captain, T W. BARNES, '76. Captain, M. H. PRINCE, '75.
First Lieut., J. Q. A. BRETT, '77. First Lieut.. A. B. Ellis, '75.
Second " W. B. ALLEN, '78. Second "A. B. DENNEY, 77.
A meeting of Co. B will be held on Wednesday, April 28, at 2 o'clock, in Holden Chapel, for the election of a Second Lieutenant.
THE race between the Trial Fours on Saturday was not a great success. The water was very rough, and although the race was rowed, it hardly served to show which was the better crew of the two. The boats crossed the line at the finish full of water, and with their bows almost even, Wetmore's crew leading the other by perhaps a foot. Several of the crews which went down to see the race came to grief on account of the roughness of the water. In making their landing at the Union Boat House, the Holyoke four swamped, much to the discomfiture of the coxswain. The Freshman crew was swamped some distance from the shore, and for a few moments the stroke of the crew, Mr. Littauer, not knowing how to swim, was in some danger. Mr. Morgan, who rowed number two, succeeded in rescuing him, and the rest of the crew reached the shore in safety. The Holworthy six had their boat seriously injured while the crew was landing, but no one was hurt.
IN the last Magenta we gave a table showing the time of high-water for two weeks. As the time of high tide at the boat-house is fully as important as the time in Boston, we continue the table for two weeks more.
Date. Mom. Even. Date. Mom. Even.
h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m.
April 24 . . . 2 15 2 45 May 1 . . . . 8 15 8 45
April 25 . . . 3 3 15 May 3. . . . 9 45 10 15
April 26 . . . 3 30 4 May 4 . . . . 10 45 11
April 27 . . . 4 15 5 May 5 . . . . 11 30 Morn.
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Tug-of-War Team.