

THE Bostons will commence coaching the Harvards in May, and about that time the Hartfords will be helping the Yale Nine to beat the Magentas. - Forest and Stream.

WE are sorry to see that the personal and intensely local style which has so long characterized many of our Western exchanges has appeared nearer home. It is an exotic that ought not to flourish in Massachusetts air.

THE Packer Quarterly is angry because we did not repay in kind a compliment which we received from them. We do not conduct our exchange column on the mutually tickling principle. When the columns of the Packer Quarterly contain a successful attempt at wit, we will quote the passage.

SCENE. - Math. Room. - Mr. Smith at the board endeavoring to eliminate x, y, and u from three equations. Professor comes and stands by Mr. Smith. Mr. Smith grows nervous and "puts it up tighter." Professor inquires blandly, "What do you want to get rid of now, sir?" Mr. Smith, fearfully bored, replies, "Want to get rid of u, sir." Class applauds. - Va. Univ. Magazine.

WE have received the East Tennessee University Monthly, a large periodical which is particularly remarkable for its small number of typographical errors per square mile. Most Western and Southern papers would do well to copy this excellence.


HARVARD seems to have been thinking of the advantages of a cram week. It has existed here for years, and has proved itself a useful respite from the hard work of the latter end of the term; and we do not think it so great an incentive to "cramming" as some would suppose, for we know from experience that very moderate study during that time is followed by better examinations than indiscriminate "boning." - Acta Columbiana.

WE have received the Ulula, the Manchester (Eng.) Grammar School Magazine. It is one of the most pretentious of our English exchanges, and contains, among other things, a poem called "The Joyful Geologist," from which we select the following stanzas:

"Oh, let not me,

Cremated, be

Amorphous, igneous block,

But as I lie


To blissful aqueous rock.

"Ah! joy untold!

When years have rolled,
