

THE Alpha Cricket Club of Salem has invited the Glee Club and the Pierian Sodality to come to Salem and give a concert for the benefit of the Cricket Club. This invitation has been accepted, and the night of the concert will soon be agreed upon. All the arrangements will be made by the Alpha Cricket Club.

AN accident in Little's Block early last Monday morning came near having quite a serious result. The bottom of a stove in the room No. 4, Old Little's, fell out during the night, and when the fire was discovered by the janitor, it had eaten well into the floor. Two policemen were called in, and the fire was extinguished without a general alarm.

THE games with the Uxbridge Club stand as follows:-




1. P. K. 4. 1. P. K. 4.

2. B. K. B. 4. 2. Kt. K. B. 3.

3. P. Q. 4. 3. P. takes P.



1. P. K. 4. 1. P. K. 4.

2. Kt. K. B. 4. 2. P. Q. 3.

3. B. K. B. 4.

THE Musical Illustrations by Professor Paine were omitted, owing to illness, on Thursday of this week. We give the programme of the first evening: 1. King's Hunting Jigg, Dr. John Bull. 2. Sonata, Dom. Scarlatti. 3. AEgyptienne, Rameau. 4. Fugue in E Minor, Haydn. 5. Gavotte in D Minor, J. S. Bach. 6. Fantasia C Minor, Mozart. 7. Sonata, Beethoven, Opus 26, A flat. The attendance on the first evening was about one hundred and fifty. The programme for April I will be: Sonata from Haydn in E Flat; Beethoven, Opus 7; selections from Scarlatti, Rameau, Sebastian Bach, Emmanuel Bach, Schubert, and Mendelssohn.
