

To whirl about and hurl forever on,

Were thine, hadst thou but learned in thy short life

To make the smallest effort of thine own.

z.THE ninth annual dinner of the "Harvard Alumni Association of New York" took place at Delmonico's on Friday evening, February 19. About a hundred graduates were present, and in many respects this dinner was the most successful event in the history of the Association. President Eliot was present, and responded to the first toast of the evening, "Alma Mater" Hon. John Bigelow replied for "American Literature"; and in response to the toast in honor of the Bench, Judge Holland mentioned a long list of Harvard graduates who had attained high judicial positions.

An ode, written for the occasion by Charles H. Gage, was afterwards sung; and this was followed by old college songs, which were kept up to a late hour.


The ode was as follows: -

TUNE: "Fair Harvard."Fair Harvard, thy sons on thy festival night,

When they gather in honor of thee,

In the food and the flowers, in the wine flowing bright,

Some type of thy bounty may see;

But these joy-bringing gifts can but faintly recall

How the soul by thy largess is fed,

For the feast never ends in thy plenteous hall,

And forever thy tables are spread.

These flowers will not stay: like the days that are flown,
