

THE Evening Readings in Ancient and Modern Classics will be given in the History Lecture Room in Harvard Hall, beginning Tuesday, November 2, at 7 1/2 o'clock. The programme, for the present, is as follows:-

Tuesdays: Prof. Child, Canterbury Tales.

Wednesdays: Prof. Goodwin, Agamemnon, to be followed by The Frogs.

Thursdays: Prof. Bocher, Moliere, Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme.

Fridays: Prof. Everett, Virgil.


WE have been requested to ask all undergraduates who have not made out blanks for the Catalogue to call at the Secretary's office and fill out their blanks at once. It adds greatly to the convenience of both the Faculty and the students to have the Catalogue appear at an early date, and no one should thoughtlessly delay its publication.

FOR the sake of reference, we have arranged the following statistics of the weights of the four six-oar crews:-

Matthews Six, - Stroke, 150 lbs.; 2, 180; 3, 185; 4, 160; 5, 170; bow, 159. Port side, 505; starboard, 499. Cox., 114. Total weight, 1, 118 lbs.

Weld Six. - Stroke, 165 lbs.; 2, 160; 3, 161: 4, 160; 5, 153; bow, 160. Port side, 479; starboard, 480. Cox., 125. Total weight, 1, 083 lbs.

Holyoke Six. - Stroke, 168; 2, 168; 3, 170; 4, 162; 5, 152 1/2; bow, 160. Port side, 490 1/2; starboard, 490. Cox., 132. Total weight, 1,117 lbs.

Holworthy Six. - Stroke, 158; 2, 180; 3, 162; 4, 165; 5, 156; bow, 157. Port side, 476; starboard, 502. Cox., 137. Total weight, 1,115.

AS there has been some difference of opinion in regard to the boundaries of the different Boat-Clubs, we have consulted the books, and find the boundaries laid down as follows:-

Weld Club. - Weld and Thayer. Outside, from Kirkland Street to Main Street (inclusive of the latter). Secretary, H. P. Warden, Thayer 15.

Holworthy Club. - Holworthy, Hollis, and Stoughton. Outside, from Garden Street to Kirkland Street (both inclusive). Secretary, F. J. Stimson, H'y 9.

Matthews Club. - Matthews, Grays, and College House. Outside, Mount Auburn Street. Secretary, G. Saltonstall, Matthews 41.

Holyoke Club. - Holyoke, Dolton's and Little's Blocks. Outside, Brattle Street, Harvard Street, and all sections not in the limits of other Clubs. Secretary, W. S. Otis, 25 Holyoke Street.

All men who intend to row in the spring should give notice at once to the Secretary of their Club, in order that places may be reserved for them.
