

Boston . 0 5 3 0 1 5 3 2 0 - 19

Passed Balls: Harvards, 3; Bostons, 1

Umpire: Mr John Clapp of the Athletics.

The athletic exercises followed. The first contest was throwing a base - ball, for which there were six entries, Rives '74, Leeds '77, Tyng '76, Hall '76, Kent '75, and Walker '74, each competitor having three trials; Mr. Rives's first throw was the longest, being about 124 yards.


Next came the 100 yards' running race, for which the entries were Herrick '77, Bird '77, H. R. Grant '74, Rives '74, Williams '75, W. C. Sanger '74, and Denton L. S. S. The race was won by Mr. Herrick in 10 seconds.

The next feature was the running high leap, for which the entries were as follows: H. R. Grant '74, E. W. Davis '76, Rives '74, Danforth '77 and W. C. Sanger, '74. When the rope had been raised to four feet eleven inches, and after several trials Danforth succeeded in clearing it.

For the hurdle race there were ten entries. H. R. Grant '74, H. L. Morse '74, Watson '75, Rives '74, Latham '77, Bird '77, E. W. Davis '76, Goodwin '74, Belmont '75, and Riggs '76. Just before reaching the last hurdle, Mr. Latham led the rest by five or six yards, but in leaping it he tripped, and was quickly passed by Mr. Goodwin, who won the race.

After this came a three-legged race, in which the participants were Messrs. Goodwin and H. L. Morse '74, Riggs '76, and Denton, L. S. S.; Rives and W. C. Sanger '74, H. R. Grant '74, and Ellis '75, Latham and Leeds '77. The race was won by Messrs. Latham and Leeds '77.

Altogether the result of these contests should cause their encouragement in future years
