

These happy men, their sweet delights to share.

"Postquam, Saturno tenebrosa in Tartara misso sub Jove mundus erat,"

But Jove against his father Saturn rose,

And harshly drove him from his ancient throne,

Then wandered forth the crownless God alone,


His hoary head bent low with weight of woes,

Leaving his kingdom to his sons, - his foes.

Sad was it for the world when he was gone.

Peace from the mourning earth, and joy were flown.

War on the heels of Hatred followed close,

And Famine spread her black wings o'er the land.

O then, those miserable men were fain

To have their father Saturn come again;

Were fain to have the feet of Plenty stand

In her old Temple; and dread Famine bound.

Alas! alas! Their wishes were in vain.

N. H. D.
