

THE morning organ-concerts at the Chapel, by Mr. Paine, are becoming quite popular. For the last two mornings large and fashionable audiences have listened in breathless silence.

THE friends of the gentleman who made the fine spurt up the Chapel aisle last Wednesday morning feel encouraged to hope he will accomplish his six and a half miles an hour next spring.

WE are informed, by the authorities at the Library, that the photograph-albums of the classes of '71 and '73 have not yet appeared. It is to be hoped there will be no break in these records of our graduates.

THE forthcoming Index of the College will contain the names of all the students in the different parts of the University, arranged alphabetically in the list. The seals of several of the Societies will also be inserted.

To those who are anxious for more of the photographs taken here by Mr. Notman last spring, we can say that a few more copies have been lately received at Williams and Everett's, Washington Street, and can there be obtained.


THE number of Freshmen in the University this year is somewhat over 406. They are distributed as follows: Harvard College, 197; Divinity School, 7; Law School, 90; Medical School, 106; Episcopal Theological School, 6; and, in addition to these, there are the Freshmen of the Scientific and Dental Schools.

THE Academy (London) says of Miss Cushman's retirement from the stage; "She played 'Lady Macbeth' before an audience which hung on her performance with the utmost enthusiasm. Afterwards, Mr. Cullen Bryant gave her a laurel-wreath, and some leading citizens of New York bore torches in front of her as she went home to her hotel."

MR. J. L. SIBLEY has the "Triennial" well under way, and any serviceable information is earnestly desired. This is the twelfth Triennial that has come out under Mr. Sibley's supervision. From it has grown his interesting work on Harvard Graduates, - a book to be prized by every good Harvard man, and to be kept in mind just at this time, when so much book-buying is going on.

WE hope we have expressed in a cordial way our sympathy with the Glee Club, in regard to the prohibition placed upon it. That sympathy, however, we cannot extend to its refusal to sing at prayers. If intended as revenge, the action must, on second thought, appear petty and childish, and in whatever light we regard it, we cannot but think that it is based on an entirely false notion of the Person to whom hymns are addressed.

OUR readers are directed to the advertisement, in another column, of Mr. Walker's dancing academy, which has become popular by the patronage of a large number of our students.

THE following comes from a member of the Class of '32: "The authorities had just removed the pump, which had long stood at the eastern end of Harvard. One night, some of our men, who were disturbing the peace in that dark corner, were surprised by a Professor. One, seeing escape impossible, posted himself on the spot where the old pump had been, and, holding out his arm, imitated its appearance so well that the Professor passed him by in hot pursuit of the others."

A VARIETY entertainment was given by the Memorial waiters at Lyceum Hall last Wednesday evening. The performance was, on the whole, spirited, and moderately successful. Tambourine and Bones were gotten up with the usual profusion of mouth, from which came conundrums, songs, and jokes with more than the usual liveliness. The songs were for the most part good; but the audience had some difficulty in finding out why Moses was like a bull-rusher. The dancing was a striking success, and the little farce was perhaps as good as anything. A little more practice and a little more attention to their singing would make a marked improvement. Among the audience we noticed the head waiters, Mr. Farmer, Mr. Worcester, and other local celebrities.
