

Passed balls: Harvards, 4; Rollstones, 3.

First base on errors: Harvard, 3; Rollstone, 4.

Umpire: Mr. W. S. Cutler, H. U., '75.

The present Sophomores have every reason to be proud of their class Nine. Their already brilliant record was closed in the last of June by winning the series of games with Yale '77. Out of the nine match games which they played they lost but two, - one to the Rollstones of Fitchburg, and the second game in the series with Yale. They have won two games from the class Nine of '76, and two from Yale '77, besides defeating the Excelsiors and Mystics, and tying a game with the Unas of Charlestown. The batting record of each man, with his rank on first base and total base hits, is as follows:-



1st Base. Tot. Base. 1st Base. T. B.

Leeds . . . . 463 .740 1 1

Herrick . . . . 354 .500 2 2

Bird . . . . 354 .437 2 3

Sawyer . . . . 333 .354 4 5

Tower . . . . 320 .400 5 4

McDonnell . . . . 304 .304 6 7

Nash . . . . 270 .291 7 8

Thatcher . . . . 240 .240 8 9

Latham . . . . 191 .344 9 6

The total score stands, for the Nine, 162 runs, and for their opponents 117.
