

THE editors of the Advocate have requested us to correct the statement in their last number, to the effect that Professor W. Everett would address the United Sophomore Societies. It was inserted on imperfect information. No such address is in contemplation.

NOTWITHSTANDING the fact that Professor Agassiz is already overworked, he has consented to deliver a course of lectures in Washington this winter; gave a lecture in Fitchburg last Thursday evening; and will throughout the present academic year deliver a lecture every Friday forenoon, at II o'clock, to the students of the College. Those who have not hitherto attended these lectures are wasting excellent opportunities to hear the theory of "evolution" discussed very thoroughly.

THE season has come for remarks on board-planks to be in order. Why should we not take the matter into our own hands? Fifty cents from every student in College is all that would be needed.

REV. HENRY W. FOOTE will preach in Appleton Chapel Sunday evening, December 14th, in place of Rev. Mr. Hale.

THE Natural History Society have granted the use of their rooms in Stoughton to the C. T. Co. The first meeting in their new rooms was held last Wednesday night, when Mr. Robert W. Sawyer, '74, was elected President, and Mr. J. C. Holman, '76, Vice-President. The company adjourned for a month.


A NEW sub-committee of the Committee of the Overseers for examining the Academical Department has been established. Its duty is to examine the "discipline" of the College.


SENIOR solus. To him enter sturdy YEOMAN.

YEOMAN. Does Salvyny act this aft'noon?

SENIOR. Certainly, sir.

YEOMAN. Does Salvyny speak all his piece in I-talian?

SENIOR. I presume so, sir.

YEOMAN. Then I would n't give two cents to hear him.

THE active members of the C. T. Co. number twenty-one at the present time, and there are forty-one machines on private line in the College buildings.

THE Glee Club attended a coffee-party at the Shepard Church, Wednesday, enjoying the evening, and singing with their usual success.
