Fresh. May I go?
Prof. No.
Yale Courant.THE Junior who was found the other morning in the wood-box, sleeping off a carouse, insisted that he had merely been laying in his winter's fuel. - Anvil.
THE story is told of Thomas Nast, that when he was at the height of his celebrity in New York last fall, a Western lady sent him a marriage proposal. He sent back a cartoon of a lady with two or three children, with this inscription, "My wife and children, the only objections." - Ex.
COLLEGE journalism has taken a decided and remarkable start at Cornell, the beginning of the new year being marked by the birth of two papers, or rather, a paper and a quarterly magazine, - The Cornell Times and The Cornell Review. Of these the Review is by far the larger, and, we must say, the more vigorous. From the Salutatory we learn that it is conducted by the literary societies of the University. The articles are all well written, interesting, deep, and spirited. Though we shall always welcome its appearance, and wish it all success, we very much doubt whether that success, as the Review claims, "will have accomplished a reform which is needed at other institutions of learning as well as our own." Experience has shown that long articles, however well written, are seldom read by the majority of students, and a college paper, to live, must be supported by every undergraduate. This fact, and the character of other college magazines convince us that one is not needed here, at least, and would not succeed if once started. We shall, therefore, watch the course of the Review with great interest. The other paper, The Times, lays no claim to the highly literary, but is full of college news and life. Its founders have wisely adopted a plan somewhat similar to the one in vogue here. The editors are chosen from the four classes by the outgoing board. This is a great innovation, as the editors of the Era are from the Juniors, and are elected by the class, thus making their election more the result of the workings of cliques than real merit. With this new foundation, and men of well-tried ability at its head, the Times may already feel itself on an even footing with the Era.
THREE suspended students at Hartford spend their time flirting with the inmates of the Deaf and Dumb Asylum. - Record.
THE last Record thinks Harvard is conceited about her foot-ball rules, calls our Nine the Bostons' "playthings," and thinks that Yale had better secure the services of Professor Goodwin when he returns from France. Leave of absence, not resignation, little Record.
THE Bowdoin Orient has no exchange department. Perhaps it abstains, with good reason, from criticising others in the hope they will follow its example.