
New Books.

Is not 'confusion worse confounded' made

A hotter hell created by your aid."

His parting advice to them is expressed in terse and vigorous English: -

"O Susan, Anna, Lizzy, Abby, all

Ye lecturers and writers, great and small,


Put on your petticoats and cease to bawl;

Abjure the rostrum, lay aside the pen,

Strive to be women, for you can't be men.

It is impossible, without transgressing our limits, to do justice to the endless variety of good things afforded by our author. There is something noble, however, in Mr. Josselyn, which excites our regard for his "chivalry" (a word which he uses with affection and frequency). Although he proves incontestably that "the newrigged Ship of State" is pursuing

"A hellward course with telegraphic speed,"

yet in his closing lines he proposes to stick by her to the bitter end. We can wish the gentleman nothing better than to live to witness the calamities and retributions he prophesies (fire and brimstone being among the least of these), because in that case he would be likely to attain to an exceedingly verdant old age.
