

Students disappointed by Athletic Director Bill Bingham's edict closing. Weld Boathouse and the swimming pool to women this summer may take heart, since mixed paddling in the tiled emporium, feature of the Indoor Athletic Building, will be permitted Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday nights.

All men registered in the College, Graduate Schools, and Summer School may purchase participation tickets, $4.00 for the first session, the same price for the second session, and $8.00 for the whole summer. For women, $3.00 will give the privilege of using the pool for one session, at the specified times, and another $3.00 will carry them through the second six-weeks. The Jarvis Field tennis courts, for the same price, will welcome the girls with open arms, and there is a possibility that the Cambridge Boat Club may allow women to use their boats.

The gymnasium, pool, squash courts, exercise rooms, tennis courts, and boathouses, which will emphasize House rowing, are all open to men, plus locker and towels, for their $8.00 pasteboard.

What with an estimated 1300 Summer Schoolers seeking relaxation and approximately 1500 undergraduates taking the compulsory athletic program, officials are clearing the decks for an unprecedented amount of activity on the muscle-building and recreational fronts.


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