
Coming of Winter Activities Heralded by Repairs on Squash Courts, Gymnasium, and Big Tree Swimming Pool

Work on minor alterations in three University athletic buildings, the Hemenway Gymnasium, the Big Tree Swimming Pool, and the squash courts, was begun during the holidays and will be completed within a few days, it was announced yesterday by the Department of Physical Education.

At the Hemenway Gymnasium is the most important improvement, the construction of two locker rooms for the use of visiting teams. In the past if has been impossible to provide any separate facilities there for the University's opponents, as is done at Soldiers Field. The removal of unnecessary equipment, installed during the war when the building was used by the Government for radio barracks, will make the present change possible.

An improved, system of drainage and a new roof covering on the squash courts are expected to prevent the flooding of the courts whenever a heavy snowfall occurs, followed by a thaw. In the past this condition has made several courts useless during a great part of the winter.

Sanitary conditions at the Big Tree Swimming Pool will be improved by the addition of a staircase which will make it unnecessary for those wearing street shoes to walk over the tiles near the pool.

The H. A. A. is making these alterations, following the policy inaugurated this fall, which placed the maintenance and supervision of all athletic buildings under its direction. In the past the College has cared for the buildings on the north side of the river.
