

Major Higginson Will Preside at Services In Sanders Theatre at Noon Tomorrow.

Assisted by the Harvard Regiment and by a number of men prominent in public life, the Memorial Society will commemorate Memorial Day in Sanders Theatre tomorrow. The services will commence promptly at 12 o'clock, when a procession consisting of the Harvard veterans, the Francis Beck Post, G. A. R., members of the Faculty, and students, accompanied by the Regiment, will form before Widener Library and march to Sanders Theatre. The marshals of the column will be R. M. Jopling '16, R. T. Twitchell '16, and R. N. Williams '16. Admission will be by tickets, which may be obtained free of charge from P. Bradley '16, Thayer 38, any time today. Holders of tickets not marching in the procession must find their seats before the Regiment arrives.

Major Henry Lee Higginson '55 will preside at the exercises. Invitations have been sent to a number of eminent persons, of whom Governor McCall, Commandant Rush, of the Charlestown Navy Yard, Colonel Ridgway, of the Massachusetts Coast Defence, Mayor Curley of Boston, and Mayor Rockwood of Cambridge are expected to attend.

The complete program of exercises follows: 1. Prayer, Professor Edward Caldwell Moore, Ph.D., D.D. 2. "Fair Harvard." 3. Speech, Judge H. N. Blake, LL.B. '58. 4. Music, Regimental Band. 5. Address to Harvard Regiment, Major General Leonard Wood, M.D. '84. 6. "America." 7. Benediction, Professor Edward Caldwell Moore, Ph.D., D.D.

Immediately after Major Higginson will entertain the veterans present at luncheon in Sanders Theatre.

As the tablets in Memorial Hall transept are to be draped with laurel, the Memorial Society asks all friends to send flowers at 10 o'clock tomorrow.


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