


The Memorial Society will be assisted by the Reserve Officers' Training Corps in its annual exercises tomorrow in commemoration of Memorial Day. A procession consisting of the Harvard veterans, the Francis Beck Post, G. A. R., members of the Faculty, and students, accompanied by the R. O. T. C., will form in the Yard and march to Sanders Theatre where the services will commence promptly at 12.15 o'clock. All those taking part in the procession, with the exception of the R. O. T. C. will assemble in front of University Hall at 11.45 o'clock. Directions for the forming of the regimental column are given in the R. O. T. C. notices. The marshals of the procession will be T. H. Eckfeldt '17, G. W. B. Hartwell '17, and W. I. Tibbetts '17.

Guests not in the parade will be admitted by ticket. Sanders Theatre will be open at 11.30 o'clock to holders of reserve seat tickets, and they will be required to find their seats before the procession arrives. After the procession the theatre will be open to the public. Ticket holders will be admitted only at the north door after 12 o'clock.

President Lowell will preside at the exercises and Major Henry Lee Higginson '55, and Professor Ralph Barton Perry, Ph.D., '97, will give addresses. Immediately after the services Major Higginson will entertain the veterans present at luncheon in Sanders Theatre.

The complete program of the exercises follows:

1. Prayer, the Reverend Albert Parker Fitch '00


2. "Hymn for the Men at the Front"

3. Address, Major Henry Lee Higginson '55

4. "Integer Vitae," Appleton Chapel Choir

5. Address, Professor Ralph Barton Perry, Ph.D. '97

6. "Battle Hymn of the Republic"

7. Benediction, the Reverend Albert Parker Fitch '00

As the tablets in Memorial Hall trancept are to be draped with laurel, the Memorial Society asks all friends to send flowers either sometime tonight or before ten o'clock tomorrow morning.
